South Sudan learnings!


Today two people who work in South Sudan called Janet and Phil came and taught the Batten team about South Sudan. Firstly they told as about South Sudan here are some of the many things I learnt-
  • As-Salam Alaykum}Peace be with you
  • Alaykum Salam As}Peace be with you to
  • There are 65 different languages 
  • In South Sudan It can get up to 42c high and 33c low
  • The capital of South Sudan is Juba
  • You need to drink lots of water or you will get a headache from the heat
  • Water comes from the Nile river
  • No power
  • No Sewage
  • You can't flush toilets because they are long drops!
  • There is a hole in the ground the is 150m deep to get water 
  • Water from underground is quite salty
  • In South Sudan when the sun goes down the power goes of but you can still use batteries
  • Juba has the only the only sealed road in the whole South Sudan
  • In South Sudan they fly lots of little planes
  • Lots of kids swim in the Nile river even though it is a bit dirty
  • There are a few crocodiles in the Nile river 
  • The population in Juba is 400,000
  • To make houses they use
    • Mud to hold the walls together
    • Bamboo for the outside
    • Rocks for the outline
  • Sometimes the people would have to crawl through the doors
  • Some schools are made of concrete or even just under a tree
  • There are not much visitors because of the heat
  • There are lots of little shop in Juba 
  • There are a couple of big super markets
  • $100 is worth 30c (unbelievable)
  • Lots of people live on hills so they can see their enemies when they are coming or when there is a flood
  • In Sudan their rainy season is around April-September
  • They use charcoal to cook their food 
  • They eat Beans and rice
  • They also eat flour and water mixed together which tastes like cardboard
  • Girls have curly hair and sometimes have fake hair
  • They have red stuff in their hair which is actually cow pee!
There are many facts more in the end I used 4 pages! (I only wrote 1 page on the blog post)
    Here is a picture of money that they use in South Sudan-

    Thanks for reading,



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