Refugee Day-Caritas Challenge

As-Salam Alaykum,

(Peace be with you in Arabic; which people in South Sudan speak)

Yesterday The Batten Team took part in a Carita's challenge. To start of the day we made forts out of cardboard, blankets/rags, string and duct tape. Then for lunch we had a small handful of rice like the people in South Sudan have and some people challenged their self to only have the rice, but of course we had our own lunch as well. We also had to eat with our hands like in South Sudan. After lunch we continued to our cardboard houses. Our one was not standing up but eventually we managed to get it to stand up. When we finished the juniors came and had a look at what we were doing I showed them the inside and my friend Xhin showed them the outside washing line we made. After that it was really hot people started getting there bowls and filling them with water. After that they tried to balance it on their head and got WET!! Here is a picture of my group making our shelter-

Here is a picture of my group eating our rice. (Our hut wasn't going so well then and fell apart)

Here is another picture of of finished result-

It was a fun and difficult day trying to make the huts. I wish I could do it again

Thanks for reading,



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